Plaintiffs File An Amended Complaint Against GDF Suez Energy North America, Inc. and Others Further Outlining Alleged Commodity Market Manipulation
July 15, 2014
Contact: Barry Hammond
Phone: (713) 570-6000
Houston, Texas – Aspire Commodities, LP and Raiden Commodities, LP filed an amended complaint and notification of their opposition to a motion to dismiss in their lawsuit against GDF Suez Energy North America, Inc. and others. The amended complaint further details the allegation that the defendants have intentionally exploited ERCOT’s market rules and operations to manipulate outcomes in physical and financial commodities markets.
You can view the amended complaint by clicking here.
You can view the opposition to the motion to dismiss by clicking here.
The amended complaint and opposition referenced were filed in Aspire Commodities and Raiden Commodities’ April 22nd lawsuit against GDF Suez and its related entities. More information regarding this lawsuit is available here.
Aspire Commodities, LP and Raiden Commodities, LP are represented by Barry M. Hammond, Jr. of Houston area law firm Patel Hammond PLLC and T. Joseph Wendt and Stephen J. Dutton of Barnes & Thornburg LLP.
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1 Comment so far
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